Nana Patekar Shares Heartbreaking Story of His Eldest Son’s Demise: ‘I Felt So Disgusted That When I Saw Him…’

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Veteran actor Nana Patekar recently opened up about the tragic loss of his eldest son, who battled health complications from birth. In a heart-wrenching account, Patekar shared his feelings of self-disgust when he thought about others’ perceptions of his son’s condition. His story highlights the emotional turmoil he faced during his son’s short life and the lessons he learned from the experience.

Nana Patekar
Nana Patekar Shares Heartbreaking Story

Nana patekar’s Eldest Son’s Battle with Health Complications

Nana Patekar‘s eldest son, Durvasa, was born with health complications. He had trouble in one eye, which was not visible. Despite his condition, Durvasa spent two and a half years with his family before passing away. Patekar revealed that he named his son after the angry sage Durvasa, reflecting the challenges his son faced in life.

Nana Patekar’s Feelings of Self-Disgust

Patekar expressed deep regret over how he reacted to his son’s condition. He felt disgusted when he thought about what others might think about his son’s health. This self-disgust stemmed from his own insecurities about being seen as a father with a child who was different. He shared, “I felt so disgusted that when I saw him, I thought about what people would think, what kind of son Nana has. I didn’t think about what he felt or how he felt. I only thought about what people would think about my son”.

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Quitting Smoking and Changing Habits

Patekar also shared the story of how he quit smoking due to his sister’s intervention. He used to smoke about 60 cigarettes a day and even smoked while bathing. However, after his sister saw him coughing after smoking, she told him, “What else do you want to see?” This hurt Patekar deeply, and he never smoked again after that day. His sister’s words had a profound impact on him, leading him to change all his habits.

Family Influences and Values

Patekar credited his mother for shaping his values and keeping him away from negative influences like the underworld, which some relatives were involved in. He recalled how his mother took him to the village to protect him from getting involved in such activities. He praised his mother, saying, “What can I say about my mother? We owe everything to her. All the people from her side were connected to the underworld. Our uncles were also associated with the underworld. I didn’t want to be like that, so my mother took me away to the village. So that I wouldn’t get involved in the underworld”.

Early Life and Acting Career

Patekar’s early life was marked by financial struggles. He started working at the age of 13 to support his family after his father lost everything. He would walk eight kilometers daily to paint film posters to earn a living. This experience taught him the value of hard work and humility. He shared, “I was in Class IX but that humiliation and hunger taught me so much that I didn’t need to go to any acting school.

I had to support my family as my father had lost everything. He would always say that ‘Bachchon ke din aaye khane ke, aur mere paas kuch nahi hai.’ He was always worried and felt emotionally so sad that eventually he had a heart attack and died when I was 28″.


Nana Patekar’s story is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of family values. Despite the challenges he faced in his personal life, Patekar has continued to thrive in his acting career. His experiences have shaped him into a strong and compassionate individual who is not afraid to share his emotions and lessons learned. His story serves as a reminder that even in the darkest times, there is always hope and a chance for personal growth.

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